The Arts Council

A Dickens Holiday

A Dickens Holiday
International Folk Festival
Minimum Age: 16**

The Arts Council offers a wide range of opportunities for volunteers of all ages and skill levels. They host special events every month of the year, including some of the most popular concerts and festivals in our area. One of our favorite perks with their Usher for the Arts program is enjoying concerts for FREE after working just a couple hours as a volunteer usher. J

Jobs may include (but are not limited to):
  • Decorating the Arts Council and downtown Fayetteville for holidays and festivals
  • Stuffing envelopes
  • Setting up tables, chairs, info booths or exhibits
  • Staffing an information booth
  • Serving refreshments
  • Guiding visitors through art exhibits
  • Ushering concertgoers to their seats
  • Setting up for large festivals
  • Cleaning up after large festivals

(910) 323-1776
**volunteers under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Contact the Arts Council for more information.

Information last verified: 1/25/2017

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