On the Move

Our family moved out of North Carolina in 2017, and we are preparing for yet another move even further away. This blog will remain up for people to see information about places to volunteer, but the pages and links will not be updated. Please visit the websites of the organizations listed here, or look around at the businesses near where you live.

When the danger of the pandemic is finally behind us, your community organizations will need lots of helping hands. Thank you for thinking about volunteering. Stay safe and stay well.

It was a pleasure to volunteer with many fine organizations in Fayetteville, NC and we wish them all the best.


Fayetteville Urban Ministry


Emergency Assistance

FUM came into existence in 1974 to address the widespread needs of people suffering in crisis situations throughout the county. Starting from a basement, Emergency Assistance grew into an effective grass roots operation that touches thousands of lives. Now the program houses a food pantry, clothing closet, and a financial assistance service for families and individuals in crisis. All of this is made possible by community partners who donate non-perishable food items, new & lightly used clothing, hygiene items, household goods, and money.  In fiscal year 2014-15, we served more than 8,000 people, over 500 homeless, and 632 military-affiliated lives. “It is simply amazing what a bag of groceries, clothing, or a few dollars can do to transform a life story!”
Adult Literacy Program

The Adult Literacy Program was established in 1976 ti address the nearly a quarter of the adults in Cumberland Counth who read at or below a 5th grade level and assists adults who are challenged in the areas of reading, writing, math, general academics, English language, job readiness and computer skills. One-on-one tutors, group classes and a full computer lab help students to begin their journey to success. These services will affect not only the adult student, but also their children and generations thereafter. It is fundamental for creating better health care access, lowering crime rates, and ensuring safer family environments. Last year, trained volunteers from the community worked with 244 adult students, touching 741 lives.  In addition, 6 students gained U.S. citizenship, and 103 attained their educational or employment goals.  The gift of literacy is one that will make a lasting difference in our entire community.  “Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.” Frederick Douglas

Find-A-Friend -- The FAF program began in 1982 as one of the first mentoring programs established by Governor Hunt in North Carolina. Since then, it has flourished and added multiple afterschool components to keep at-risk youth fully motivated and enriched through wrap-around support services. Our program helps modify youths’ behavior positively at school, home, and in the community. The FAF program was named a “Champion for Children” in 2009 by the Child Advocacy Center. Serving over 200 at-risk and court-involved youth per year, with a 96% success rate at keeping kids out of trouble and successful in school, this program truly makes an impact. It costs tax payers over $125,000 per year to house 1 juvenile in confinement. It takes less than $1,500 to sponsor a youth for 1 full year of preventive services with FAF. “Our kids are our most valuable investment!”

Nehemiah Project -- We started in August of 1993, repairing the homes of low-income home owners with the help of volunteer groups from local churches. In 1994 the program assumed the Emergency Home Repair Program for the Community Development Department, City of Fayetteville. Nehemiah partners with many contractors, the Re-Store Warehouse, and other agencies as a vital resource for this community’s elderly and low-income population. This program’s impact is invaluable as it ensures that our low-income home owners are housed in safe and comfortable living conditions. Each year, the program will assist approximately 170-200 home owners. Imagine being on a fixed or low income and facing the crisis of costly home repairs.  “We build up homes and families by repairing houses!”

Here We Go

What to do when a sick baby keeps you home from your volunteer work? Work on the website, of course! I have uploaded several of our local organizations to our searchable blog. I will post more organizations as I am able. Thank you for your patience with our process.

The newly designed website at www.VolunteerFayetteville.com is up and running! 😀

Center for Economic Empowerment and Development (CEED)

The Center for Economic Empowerment and Development helps women and families with business training and empowerment. Volunteer opportunities range from office support, to client counseling, to fundraising.

Volunteer Opportunities May Include:
  • Administrative work
  • Individual Client Counseling
  • Dancing (with the Fayetteville Stars)
  • Event Planning
  • Event Set up/Take Down

Fayetteville Area Convention and Visitors Bureau

Minimum Age: 18

The good people at the Fayetteville Area Convention and Visitors Bureau are dedicated to promoting all the wonderful things to see and do in Fayetteville, North Carolina. Outdoor adventures, indoor recreation, visual and performing arts, sporting events, they have the 411 on what's happening here in our All American City. Thanks to them, we have photos for several of our organizations on Volunteer Fayetteville.

I recommend checking out their website and their blog to learn about all the neat things to enjoy in the greater Fayetteville area.

The FACVB is in need of volunteers to staff an information booth March 17, 18 and 19 (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) at the Crown Center during the Cape Fear Wildlife Expo. Contact Angie Brady to sign up for a time slot of 2-4 hours.

The FACVB will be offering a brief volunteer training in early March. Please sign up by February 17, 2017.

Volunteer Opportunities:
  • Staff information booth
  • Staff desk at Visitor Center

Phone: 910-483-5311

Fayetteville Dogwood Festival

Minimum Age: 18

As hosts of several concerts and festivals throughout the year, the Fayetteville Dogwood Festival has need of reliable, friendly volunteers to help with various programs.

The Dogwood Festival is a 3-day music extravaganza that takes over several streets of downtown Fayetteville. Volunteers work at food and beverage tables, information booths, and help with set up and tear down. They even take care of hospitality for event staff and other volunteers.

Each event has it's own focus. Visit their site for information on each event. 

Events Include:

  • Fayetteville Dogwood Festival April 28-30, 2017
  • Fayetteville After 5 (concerts on 3rd or 4th Friday of May, June, July & August.)
  • Dogwood Fall Festival October 27-29th, 2017

Scroll down after the jump to complete the volunteer application form.

Communities in Schools

Minimum Age: Contact Communities in Schools

At Communities in Schools, youth who are at risk of dropping out of school receive mentorship and support to help them stay in school and graduate on time. Part of a national program, the local Communities in Schools serves students in grades K-12 with a variety of programs.

Volunteer Opportunities Include:
  • Mentorships for at-risk youth
  • Backpack campaign to gather school supplies
  • Grants Committee
  • Special Events Committee

Fayetteville Area Habitat for Humanity

Minimum Age: 16**
**Volunteers under the age of 18 must have waiver signed by a parent or guardian.

Providing affordable housing to Fayetteville area families is at the heart of Habitat for Humanity's projects and programs.

You can help build homes, raise funds, or assist with day-to-day office tasks. Due to recent damage caused by Hurricane Matthew, our local Habitat for Humanity is in special need of volunteers to help with ongoing demolition and recovery efforts.

House builds are posted to the volunteer hub as soon as contractors are able to set a date for volunteers to come and help. There is also a Habitat ReStore Warehouse, which raises funds by selling gently used furniture and household goods.

Visit the Habitat for Humanity website to find out what we're doing to help area families.

Volunteer at Fayetteville Area Habitat for Humanity

Fayetteville Animal Protection Society

Minimum Age: 12**
Volunteers under the age of 13 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Love working with animals? Here is a place in need of volunteers to help with feeding and care of animals, as well as fundraising and awareness campaigns. This is another great office for young volunteers to get an early start in giving back to their community.

Opportunities Include:

  • Caring for cats and dogs
  • Coordinating fundraising events
  • Facilitating pet adoption
  • Answering phones
  • Stuffing envelopes
  • Maintenance and Repair
  • Special Events

Fayetteville Area Operation InAsMuch

Minimum age: 18

From serving hot breakfasts, to helping build homes, to staffing the front desk, Operation InAsMuch is a place you can have an impact on people in need. The mission is simple: start out by serving a hot breakfast, and then present opportunities for personal hygeine, personal development, training and work. This office takes serving the homeless and uses it as a springboard to provide a hand up, instead of a hand out.

Volunteer opportunities include:
Volunteers must be 18 years of age or older. There are no exceptions to this policy.

Volunteer at FAOIAM

Cumberland County Council on Older Adults

Minimum Age: 18*
*21 and up for senior companion program.

From delivering Meals on Wheels, to providing information to seniors throughout Cumberland County, this office needs volunteers to help bring valuable services to our community's seniors. The Council provides volunteers for several different organizations. Each organization has it's own requirements.

Volunteer Jobs May Include:
  • Delivering for Meals on Wheels
  • Volunteering as part of a group of seniors
  • Providing company to a lonely senior
  • Providing information on health insurance changes
  • Talking over the phone with homebound seniors
Volunteer at the Council

Cape Fear Valley Medical Center

Minimum Age: 14 & 18. Call for more information.

From students interested in a healthcare career, to retirees looking to stay busy, there are many ways to give back at Cape Fear Valley Health Center

Volunteer Positions:
  • Cancer Center
  • Clerical Assistant
  • Comfort Runner Assistant
  • Cuddlers of Newborns
  • Emergency Room
  • Flower Delivery
  • Gift Shop
  • Greeters
  • Waiting Room Attendant
  • Junior Volunteer

Cumberland County Public Library

Minimum Age: 10***
***Volunteers accepted at discretion of each site's Volunteer Coordinator. 15 years old and younger must have a signed Parental Consent Form.

The Cumberland County Public Library needs caring volunteers to help with craft projects for youth, reshelving books, and a variety of other services. The library is a fantastic place for young volunteers to get early experiences in community service. 

Please visit the Cumberland County Public Library site for more information.

Child Advocacy Center

Minimum Age: 14** High school age+
**All volunteers aged 16 years and older are subject to a background check.

The mission of the Child Advocacy Center states “joining hands with community partners, we provide a safe and child friendly Center that supports the prevention, investigation and prosecution of child abuse.”

Volunteer opportunities are focused on office administration, mailings, fundraisers, and promoting community awareness towards preventing child abuse. 

Volunteer Tasks May Include:
·         Receptionist/Answering Phones
·         Putting packets together for families
·         Preparing Workshop materials
·         Bulk Mail/Envelope Stuffing
·         Therapy Dog Program
·         Speaker’s Bureau
·         Leading Child Abuse Prevention Workshops
·         Caring for the flower pots at the Child Advocacy Center
·         Fundraising/Development

·         Marketing

The Care Clinic

Minimum age: 18*
*Exceptions can apply for bulk mail or special projects.

Delivering Compassion, Assistance, Referrals and Education. Medical professionals, healthcare students and compassionate hearts are needed to help deliver free health care to eligible uninsured, low-income adults in the Cumberland County region. Non-health volunteer opportunities are also available to help support the mission.

Volunteer Jobs May Include:
·         Receptionist
·         Envelope Stuffing/Bulk Mail
·         Groundskeeping
·         Maintenance
·         Meal Preparation
·         Spanish Translation
·         Fundraising
·         Community Awareness
·         Health Care Professional:
o   Dentist
o   Dental Assistant
o   Chiropractor
o   Dietician
o   Nurse (RN, LPN, CNA)
o   Nurse Practitioner
o   Pharmacist
o   Pharmacy Assistant
o   Physician
o   Physician Assistant
o   Phlebotomist
o   Social Worker

Cape Fear Regional Theatre

Minimum Age: Call for more information.

From ushering at the Front of House, to helping with scenery, to performing on stage, there are many ways to volunteer with the Cape Fear Regional Theatre. A semi-professional theatre company, CFRT has a long standing history of delivering classic, familiar productions, and a mix of fresh, new plays that speak to an ever-changing audience.

Volunteer at Cape Fear Regional Theatre: http://www.cfrt.org/about-us/work-with-us/

Cape Fear Botanical Gardens

Minimum Age: 14.

Volunteers of all ages assist with everything from customer service, to administration, to maintenance of the gardens. If you have a green thumb, or are looking to hone your horticultural skills, here is a great place to work side by side with experienced gardeners in a beautiful setting.

Jobs may include:
  • Visitor Services
  • Administration
  • Horticulture
  • Education
  • Special Events

Volunteer at Cape Fear Botanical Gardens
Call 910-486-0221 ext. 40 for more information.

Better Health Cumberland County

Minimum Age: None. Call or email for more information.

Jobs could include (but are not limited to):

  • Fundraisers
  • Diabetes Clinic volunteer (once a month)
  • Committee member
  • Office volunteer
  • Bulk mailing volunteer
  • Building and outdoor maintenance
  • Spanish translator

Volunteer at Better Health Cumberland County
Phone: (910) 483-7534

The Arts Council

A Dickens Holiday

A Dickens Holiday
International Folk Festival
Minimum Age: 16**

The Arts Council offers a wide range of opportunities for volunteers of all ages and skill levels. They host special events every month of the year, including some of the most popular concerts and festivals in our area. One of our favorite perks with their Usher for the Arts program is enjoying concerts for FREE after working just a couple hours as a volunteer usher. J

Jobs may include (but are not limited to):
  • Decorating the Arts Council and downtown Fayetteville for holidays and festivals
  • Stuffing envelopes
  • Setting up tables, chairs, info booths or exhibits
  • Staffing an information booth
  • Serving refreshments
  • Guiding visitors through art exhibits
  • Ushering concertgoers to their seats
  • Setting up for large festivals
  • Cleaning up after large festivals

(910) 323-1776
**volunteers under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Contact the Arts Council for more information.

Information last verified: 1/25/2017

Let's Get to Work

First steps on our mission to volunteer more and to find more volunteers: I have been out and about with Habitat for Humanity for a demolition day and a clean-up day. I have also manned the desk at Fayetteville Area Operation InAsMuch for a couple afternoons, and I have slowly worked my way through several of Fayetteville's volunteer organization websites.

I have to say that demolition work is a tough endeavor. Helping with Habitat for Humanity has given me new appreciation for the wonderful people who have come to help, and for the modern benefits of ibuprofen.

On Wednesday the 11th, volunteers gathered at the center of a Habitat for Humanity neighborhood to receive their assignments for Hurricane Matthew demolition. I was tasked to remove flooring in a bathroom. I removed shoe molding (that's the little wood edge between your baseboard and your floor), unscrewed a toilet from the floor (yuck!), and detached a small bathroom cabinet and sink. I had plenty of help from contractor and site manager Chris, who guided me on how to complete each step. It was tiring and fulfilling work.

With all the scraping and and ripping up flooring, wearing a mask and goggles is important. Without a mask, you are bound to wind up with all kinds of gunk in your nose and throat.

After removing the shoe, the toilet and the cabinet, I pried up the vinyl flooring and the pad underneath. The biggest challenge was finding all the little nails that held the pad in place and getting those pried up. It was a decent workout for several hours. When the volunteers finish, experienced contractors come in and replace the floors and cabinets. With so many homes affected by Hurricane Matthew, the Habitat for Humanity folks are dealing with economies of scale: large purchases of similar materials for many homes make those materials cheaper than they would be for building just a couple of homes at one time.

On the 18th, I went to help clean up a home that was recently built for a Habitat for Humanity family. That day, I cleaned paint and grout drops from a brand-new tub enclosure, and shined up a sink, toilet and floor. We also installed new outlet covers and cleaned the construction dust off of everything.

I have met some amazing people, from high school students working to give back, to military spouses and stay at home moms, to retirees. I'm excited about my next adventure in volunteer work.

I'm working the Fayetteville Area Operation InAsMuch front desk once a week. They still have openings available. It's pretty laid back. Sometimes the phone rings and you forward it to the right person or take down a message. Sometimes another volunteer comes to the door and needs to be let in. If you'd like to staff the desk for 3 or 4 hours a week, or even a full day, please contact them at 910-433-2161.

It is a wonderful thing to see so many organizations providing valuable services in our community. It is a bit time consuming to go through each organization's website to find their volunteer opportunities, age limitations, and other information. I'm preparing to upload the information I've collected so far. If you are looking for a specific type of opportunity, the tags on each post should help you find the right volunteer project for you. 

Preparing to Launch

In 2012, I purchased the domain www.VolunteerFayetteville.com in anticipation of creating a catalog of volunteer opportunities in Fayetteville, North Carolina. I had recently interviewed several local professionals for the Fayetteville Observer's 40 Under 40 and I found each honoree's story inspiring and motivating.

The Volunteer Fayetteville website and it's intended blog page sat in a dusty corner of the internet, neglected, awaiting my time and attention until this year. I'm excited to have the ability to make this site a reality. This labor of love will always be a work in progress as new organizations and new projects are created to serve the community in and around Cumberland County.

I anticipate launching the revamped www.VolunteerFayetteville.com before the end of January. In the meantime, a placeholder instant page is there as a quick reference of some of the volunteer opportunities in Fayetteville.

Thank you for taking a moment to visit my blog. New stories and experiences to be uploaded weekly. 😃